InterGen Lab

You need the Future of Work to be different.
We’re different.

Join Challenge Factory’s InterGen Lab

Do you need to attract and retain Gen Z, millennials, Gen X, and boomers all at the same time?


What challenges and opportunities are you avoiding because of risk, complexity, or lack of capacity?

How would experimenting and testing different methods of working engage your intergenerational team in new ways?

Do you wish you had data to support a strategic hunch you have about your workforce?

Space is limited! The upcoming cohort begins Fall 2024.

What is the InterGen Lab?

Labs are where trailblazing experimentation and breakthroughs happen.

Today’s workforce challenges demand intergenerational, interdisciplinary, and expansive solutions. From career paths to housing, from employment benefits to work-life balance, the Future of Work has to work for everyone.

Good science doesn’t waste resources on problems that already have known solutions. Instead, it tackles questions that seemingly have no answers. The InterGen Lab is your space to use the wisdom of all generations to identify better questions, formulate hypotheses, work through uncertainty, and avoid defaulting to prefabricated, outdated solutions.

Think the InterGen Lab is only about boomers, Gen X, millennials, and Gen Z?

Think bigger. Bring your specific workforce challenge, and we’ll bring the intergenerational approach.

Challenges that can be tackled at the InterGen Lab:

  • Skills, sustainability, and shifting to the green economy
  • Housing shortages and implications for attracting or retaining employees
  • Labour market dynamics unique to your sector or geography
  • Ageing demographics and workplace culture
  • Skills-based workforce planning
  • Any issue that you know underpins other strategic risks, but feels too complex to tackle
Woman on computer

Want to learn more?

Watch the recordings from our 4-part webinar series that uses intergenerational approaches to explore work and complex social issues.

Place an intergenerational approach at the centre of experimentation

Workplaces are age-diverse microcosms of society. An intergenerational approach can be applied to all workforce challenges to create solutions that benefit everyone—today, and into the future.

Focus on fit

One size does not fit all. Create tailored workforce solutions that lead to sustainable change.

Develop new ideas instead of rehashing the old

This is where innovation thrives. Explore new career and talent pathways, perspectives, and possibilities.

Foster a unique peer support experience

Be part of a community of like-minded, out-of-the-box thinkers and doers who drive collective growth and positive impact.

Accelerate triadic learning

Triads are strong, balanced, and supportive. See how intentional groups of three, committed to common values, accelerates real change and impact.

Build future-proofed workplaces

Access tools, techniques, and experts to address current needs while shaping a better Future of Work for all.

We’ve got a seat for youlab coat and goggles not required!

How to join the InterGen Lab

Nominate yourself or another organization.

Program overview

InterGen graphic

InterGen Lab pricing offers exceptional value

Future of Work specialist

Six months’ access to a dedicated expert for your team

Cohort kick-off session

Meet in person with other innovative organizations focused on intergenerational approaches, sustainable development, and the Future of Work

"What if" working session

Tailored to your organization, we co-create a testable hypothesis using your strategic workforce priorities

6-month experiment

Where real insight, innovation, and impact is made possible

Workforce innovation webinars

Held monthly with all organizations in your cohort

Regular check-ins

Held monthly with InterGen Lab facilitators to track your experiment’s progress

Final report

This is your proof of concept, pitch deck, and impact statement, prepared with support from InterGen Lab facilitators

2-day symposium

End your InterGen Lab experience in person with other cohort members by sharing key findings and planning for sustainable change

Facilitators, partners, and faculty members

Lisa Taylor

Lisa Taylor

Challenge Factory

Emree Siaroff

Emree Siaroff

Vice President
Challenge Factory

Emma James

Emma James

Lab Manager
Challenge Factory

In collaboration with

Challenge Factory
Top Sixty Over Sixty


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