Our services

Research to practice

Challenge Factory creates opportunities for you to invest in employees, tap into hidden talent pools, and develop intergenerational workforces.

Our Research-to-Practice service model is purpose driven. We solve practical problems via collaborative, versatile, and iterative process design:

  • Research is most valuable when it’s tied tightly to defined, measurable outcomes. Our model puts learnings to maximum use—to inform future decision-making, strategy development, and follow-on research opportunities.
  • Our trusted talent and leadership advisors build customized programs, workshops, and strategic supports to maximize your team’s productivity. We’ll help you get the most out of the talent inside your organization and identify gaps to be filled with external resources.
  • Challenge Factory delivers masterclasses, educational programs and meeting facilitation services across all industries. Empower your people with our learning and development services.
  • We are leading keynote speakers and meeting facilitators on the Future of Work. Let’s talk.