Thorpe Benefits | Intergenerational dynamics, productivity, and trust are redefining how we work and lead.
Employee ownership can pave the way for women-owned business growth
Lisa Taylor, Windsor Star | Employee-owned businesses in other countries, such as the U.S. and the UK, have already shown us some of the benefits we can expect in Canada—chief among them, productivity gains and wealth redistribution.
Employee ownership can pave the way for women-owned business growth
Lisa Taylor, QUOi Media | In federal budget 2024, transitioning to EOTs should be robustly incentivized, both as a path to grow a business, and as part of shaping a better Future of Work for everyone.
Canada needs more women entrepreneurs. Here’s how the Trudeau government could help
Lisa Taylor, Toronto Star | As the government prepares the 2024 budget, advancing policies to encourage EOT adoption and creating tax incentives for implementation should be a top priority, writes Lisa Taylor.
Challenge Factory’s vision for a thriving workforce
CanadianSME Small Business Magazine | Lisa Taylor, President of Challenge Factory, shares her innovative perspectives on reshaping career development.
Annual career checkups: Reviewing career direction vital to success
Toronto Sun | Many people get an annual physical checkup, but have you ever thought about an annual career checkup?
What if Canadians had an annual career checkup, just like they do for their health?
CBC Alberta | Lisa Taylor from Challenge Factory explains why it’s as important to have an annual career check up as it is to have a physical.
What’s a career checkup, and why is it so important?
CBC Radio Toronto | When it comes to your career, job, or work, you may not be checking in about how you’re doing as often as you should.
Fixing the Broken Talent Escalator®: Is your organization career friendly to older workers?
Toronto Sun | Companies that don’t recognize the potential of older workers and help them manage their careers could face what Challenge Factory calls the Broken Talent Escalator®.
In fight against ageism, kindness is not the answer
Toronto Star | Understanding where the attitudes come from—and who’s to blame—can go a long way.