Welcome to Workforce Architecture, a digital magazine and research exchange for the changemakers and trailblazers driving innovation in the world of work.
Fall/Winter 2021
The Talent Revolution Blueprint: A primer
The complex challenges facing today’s changing world of work call for innovative, integrated, and responsive solutions. Enter the Talent Revolution Blueprint.
Case study: Putting the Talent Revolution Blueprint to work
Let’s compare how a challenge might be addressed with and without using the Talent Revolution Blueprint, and how its use can lead to valuable shifts in thinking and planning.
Five drivers shaping the Future of Work
As the world of work changes, employers and employees are wrestling with the same five issues. Check out this infographic about the major drivers changing how humans work.
Interviewing military Veterans: Find your next skilled hire
How can asking better questions about military Veterans help advance Canada’s key priorities for building a learning nation?
Exponential with Amanda Lang: Intergenerational workforces
Join business journalist Amanda Lang and Challenge Factory’s president, Lisa Taylor, as they discuss workforce demographics, engagement, and the path forward through change.
Why we need a careers lens in public policy
As workforce conditions become increasingly complex, careers need to be placed at the centre of policy—not jobs or skills.
To dread and to dream the Future of Work
What do you fear and hope the Future of Work will be? Be part of Workforce Architecture‘s research exchange with this short interactive activity.
Have your say: Help shape Workforce Architecture
Workforce Architecture is for you. Take a short survey to help us tailor our digital magazine and research exchange to your needs.