Talent development

Employers are coming to recognize the extraordinary potential of intergenerational workforces. Those prepared to embrace this facet of the Future of Work stand to attract and retain top-performing talent, and in doing so realize sustainable productivity gains.

Challenge Factory helps clients envision a Future of Work that puts people first, no matter their age or background. Get ready for the talent revolution.

Hidden Sector, Hidden Talent

Workforce Pilot Projects


Career Exploration


Hidden Talent Podcast

Hiring Military Veterans

Hiring Military Veterans

Coffee kettle

Case study: How Challenge Factory works to address labour and skills shortages in Canada

Featured Reads

Legacy Careers® are a powerful answer to tight labour market questions

Flippin Ageism in 60 seconds

Why foster intergenerational triads? To avoid becoming an organization of “screen colleagues”

Reducing the average age of your team won’t create better intergenerational workplaces

The End of Retirement

Busting employment myths: The economics of an ageing workforce