In the news

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Challenge Factory’s fresh approach to the Future of Work attracts attention from local, national, and international media outlets. Our leaders are available to media outlets looking for insights based on proven research and real client experiences.

Please direct all media inquiries to

The Globe and Mail
Newstalk 1010
CBC Windsor
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Charityvillage Connects
Chatter that Matter
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Toronto Star
Challenge Factory’s CEO on the Gale Force Wins Podcast

Challenge Factory’s CEO on the Gale Force Wins Podcast

Gale Force Wins | Lisa Taylor sat down for an inspiring conversation about career transitions, the Future of Work, and the power of slowing down to reflect. Lisa shares her career story, lessons learned, and her vision for how we can reshape the way we work and live.

Are we ageist?

Are we ageist?

Your Employment Detective | Challenge Factory’s President, Lisa Taylor, discusses how our ages and stages affect our employability.

Who works in career development in Canada? A holistic sector map

Who works in career development in Canada? A holistic sector map

CareerWise | What are the types of individuals and organizations that make up Canada’s career development sector? And how do they all fit together? Challenge Factory’s Lisa Taylor and Taryn Blanchard dig into the research-driven Career Development Sector Scoping Model.