Is Canada leading in the Future of Work?

AI and Robotics, Gig Economy, Platform environments, Revolutionary Change

Is Canada leading in the Future of Work?

AI and Robotics, Gig Economy, Platform environments, Revolutionary Change

Lisa Taylor, president of Challenge Factory, reflects on her international exposure to career development at the ICCDPP 2019 global symposium in Tromsø, Norway.

With delegates from 33 other countries, Lisa spends time learning how each country, economy, and institution is shaping the Future of Work. Together, the representatives discuss and consult the best way forward for government, policymakers, businesses, education, and individuals in an effort to shape conversation and commitment around career development at a global level.

In this video, Lisa highlights some of the most exciting and promising initiatives currently changing the landscape of this sector. And, with the exposure to leading strategic plans, initiatives, and actions other countries have committed to, Lisa reflects on the opportunities Canada has to innovate, advance current initiatives, and lead the Future of Work.

After watching the video, take this short survey and let us know how you’ve experienced career development in your educational, personal, and professional achievements. Your stories are a key ingredient to shaping Canada’s Future of Work.